• Mr. Gan and Mr. Huang

Patient:Ms. Pan

Age: 37

Ms. Pan was 37 years old and a senior white collar working at one of the “Global 500” companies. She was not age eligible for CRC screening and had no family history of CRC at the time. She decided to take Colosafe® test after coming across the product when she was visiting Guangzhou. The Colosafe® result came out on July 3, 2018, showing positive result. She followed up with colonoscopy. The pathology report revealed a carcinoma in situ. Thus Ms. Pan proceeded with resection and had Colosafe® test again 9 months after the surgery, and the result was negative. This case reminds us that colorectal cancer can occur in younger patients now.
Colosafe® result: positive Testing site: The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yet-sen University Colonoscopy report:a 2cm*2cm Yarty polyp found in the sigmoid colon; biopsy taken. Pathology report: This is a villous - tubular adenoma with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (carcinoma in situ). No adenoma was observed at the basal margin.
  • Colosafe® report

  • Colonoscopy report

Patients: family members of a physician working at Dongguan Guanghua Hospital ;

Gender: male

Age: 57 and 23

The 57-year-old patient and his wife both have family history of colorectal cancer. The 57-year-old father did not feel like to have a colonoscopy, while his 23-year-old son had no clue of taking colorectal cancer screening. Considering the family history, the whole family and their relatives performed Colosafe® tests. On December 7, 2020, the Colosafe® test results showed positive for both father and son, and the colonoscopy and pathology reports confirmed that both had tubular adenomas. At the same time, a 27-year-old relative of the family was diagnosed with a tubular adenoma. This case suggests that people with a family history of colorectal cancer should take colorectal cancer screening regularly regardless of age.
Colosafe® result: father-positive (CT value:37.7); son-positive (CT value: 37.91) Testing site: Dongguan Guanghua Hospital Colonoscopy report: father: multiple polyps in colon; son: multiple polyps in sigmoid colon. Pathology report: father: tubular adenoma in colon;Son: tubular adenoma in sigmoid colon
  • Father's Colonoscopy report

  • Son's Colonoscopy report