Methylation Detection Kit for Human SDC2 Gene (Real time PCR) & Stool Collection Device

Brief Introduction of Colosafe®
Full name of Colosafe® is Methylation Detection Kit for Human SDC2 Gene (Real time PCR) & Stool Collection Device which is the first NMPA approved stool DNA test kit for colorectal cancer. Colosafe® entered the special approval channel of National Medical Products Administration in March 2017 and was cleared by NMPA on Nov 20, 2018. It is a product that can precisely detect and interpret the mutated messages (human SDC2 methylation) from stool for detection of colorectal cancer to help physicians to figure out the cancerous lesion early and prevent the development of CRC at early stage. Thus, the prevention and cure of CRC is achieved. It has been implemented in over 700 hospitals in China and has gained tremendous clinical recognition by the professionals and experts.

Product Advantage

  • High detection rate
    Complete colon detection

  • Early detection of precancer
    and early stages of colorectal cancer

  • Easy sample collection at home Room temperature storage & shipment

  • Completely noninvasive
    No bowel preparation
    Only 4.5g of sample

Product Performance

The sensitivity of Colosafe® to early stage colorectal cancer is 86.71%

Note: n=1213,CRC=374,non-CRC=839: Kappa=0.85, Kappa>0.75, means high consistency compared with golden standards of colonoscopy and pathology.

Guideline and Publication

Sample Collection Video

Patient Stories

  • Mr. Gan and Mr. Huang

    Colorecal cancer is tending to favor younger generation now.

  • Patient with family history of CRC

    Colosafe helps patient with family history to detect colorectal cancer early.